Hate Handles – studio videos

Hate Handles – studio videos

Die Death/Thrash-Metaller von Hate Handles haben einige Videos online gestellt, welche Aufnahmen von Stimmen udn Gitarren zu ihrem Song „Die In Hands of Believers“ in den Studios zeigen.

About the recordings the guitarist Maicon Dorigatti comments: „When we started the recording process we were still finishing some of the songs, mainly the last three that we recorded. That definitely slowed down the release but it gave us more time to work on each idea and now we can say we reached our goal. All 9 songs clearly are part of the same work, with all the rhythmic and melodic elements of our music, but with an unique approach in each of them. The recording process is going great and right now we have 90% of the album recorded, with just a few vocals and solos left.“

Other video recordings from studio are being posted in the band’s YouTube page at http://www.youtube.com/hatehandlesthrash

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