satan’s wrath – videoclip

satan’s wrath – videoclip

SATAN’S WRATH stellen Videoclip für ‚Slaves Of The Inverted Cross‘ exklusiv auf Metal Injection vor!
Heute präsentiert Metal Injection die exklusive Videopremiere von Slaves Of The Inverted Cross, dem neuen Clip der Black-Thrasher von SATAN’S WRATH. Der Song stammt von ihrem aktuellen Album Galloping Blasphemy, das letzten September auf Metal Blade Records erschienen ist. Im Decibel Magazine schaffte es die Scheibe auf Platz 15 der besten 40 Scheiben 2012 und wurde so beurteilt: „methodically and unapologetically tears limbs off all the arty existentialist schlock that passes for hell-raisin‘ these days“. Passend dazu zeigt der Videoclip zu „Slaves Of The Inverted Cross“ das unheilige Kollektiv beim Zerlegen des ehrwürdigen Londoner Clubs The Underworld.

Hier ein O-Ton der Band: „We are ghouls of the shallow graves marching to battle against God.“

Schaut euch den Clip HIER an.

SATAN’S WRATHs Interpretation von Heavy Metal reicht zurück in eine Zeit, als Death, Black und Thrash Metal noch ein gemeinsames Genre waren und einzig Leder, Nieten und Patronen zählten! SATAN’S WRATH stehen mit ihrem Meister durch zeremonielle schwarze Magie und beschwörende Rituale in Verbindung.

satans-wrath-video„Total first wave black metal, hearkening back to when those bands didn’t even know they were ‚first wave,‘ simply playing old-fashioned heavy metal with a decidedly grim twist. Consequently the album is loaded with plenty of Satanic shtick and extreme passage, but at its core is deep appreciation of classic metal, where the flamboyance of Mercyful Fate is references as much as the primitivism of Bathory.“ – Terrorizer

„During the thrash explosion of the ’80s, bands like Slayer and Metallica betrayed an unapologetic allegiance to their NWOBHM forebears, enhancing the attack with speed and heavier riffage. That sound is replicated on Galloping Blasphemy, a punishing nine song campaign of sacrilege that could be one of the ’80s lost treasures were it not for the black metal vocals…“ – Outburn

„SATAN’S WRATH uses most of their 41 minutes to buzz their way into your black and cold hearts and at this they are effective. If evil is your game as well as 1980s extreme metal, then Galloping Blasphemy should be right up your alley.“ –

„A throwback to metal circa the early ’80s, where bands like Iron Maiden and Venom reigned supreme.“ – Metal Underground

„…there’s something to be said for a band that can take bare-bones elements and reignite the specter of Bathory in such a manner. Way to go, Satan.“ – Blistering

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